POWERHOUSE is a roof mount air horn, that has dual metal chrome trumpets. Features Wolo's new heavy-duty compact chrome compressor. POWERHOUSE produces a extra loud alerting sound, ideal for the vehicle owner that demands to be heard! Included in kit is chrome weather protection covers for both trumpets, to ensure years of dependable service. POWERHOUSE is a perfect addition for any 24-volt truck, 4X4, RV or SUV. So if you want the sound of a big truck, without an on-board air system, then POWERHOUSE is the horn for your vehicle. It will sound as good as it looks on your vehicle’s roof. The kit includes a heavy-duty compressor, 30-amp relay, hose, weather protection covers and mounting hardware. Instruction in English / Spanish.

30-amp relay included
Current: 11-amp
120 Decibels
390 / 435 Hz – Low Range
Compressor: 10-12 psi.
Compressor Size: Diameter 2-1/4 in. x H 4-1/2 in.
Horn Size: L13-1/4 in. x W 6-1/4 in. x H 3-1/4 in.
Trumpet: Metal chrome plated