Wolo’s Model 813-FIL is designed to protect and extend the service life of high-pressure air horns, from dirt, rust and water that can develop in the air tank. Compact in design, for easy installation and suitable for limited space applications. The drain will release automatically, when water accumulation is 1 KG, or can be drained manually. Comes complete with brass ¼” O.D. fittings and mounting hardware.

Port Size (PT, NPT)............................... 1/4”
Filter Element...................................... 5µ
Max Input Pressure (PSI)...................... 150
Max Output Pressure (PSI) .................. 7 ~ 142
Max Flow (l/min)................................. 1000
Operating Temperature Range (C°)...... 5° ~ 60°
Drain Capacity (ml)............................. 15 ml
Fittings: Brass